How Do You Thrive Spiritually in a Culture Hostile to Christianity?
Answer: By studying the lives of eight victorious heroes of the faith, men and women who lived on “soul alert,” even as aliens in foreign lands. Like them, learn how to:
- Practice making soul-conscious choices.
- Flee all-too-convenient evil.
- Rally support to shine for God.
- Rebuild sacred walls that protect.
- Reference the culture to share God’s love.
- Stay alert to self-diminishing compromises.
- Risk everything for God and His people.
- Fix your eyes on eternity with Jesus.
Prize-winning author Karen Mains draws metaphors from the lives of contemporary immigrants and refugees to sharpen your understanding of the biblical truth that Christians are “aliens and strangers on earth.” In a post-Christian culture, she asserts, you can be more than just a survivor. You can join other believers who’ve learned to thrive spiritually and be a dynamic influence in our world.
Karen Mains is part of the executive team that directs Mainstay Ministries. A creative thinker, she and her husband, David, have spent their lives developing tools that impact Christians with the everyday meanings of faith.
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